Water Meter Installation and Replacement
Jewish General Hospital
In 2016, the Jewish General Hospital was mandated by the City of Montreal to perform the modification of all his water entries to be update to the RCG 07-031 regulation that request the installation of water meter to be able to measure the drinkable water consumption. The Jewish General Hospital include a total of seven water entries and two independents water meter chambers that supply the main complex and also two independents pavilions. Including more that just the mechanical system, the scope of work include modifications to do in architecture, as for example, the installation of two new rooms to implement the mechanical system to the affected department. Plus, the scope of work have include minors electrical modifications and addition of fire alarm supervision devices on the main valves.
Enertech Solutions acted as project manager consultant. Our knowledge have been put to contribution to initiate the project and evaluate his feasibility. The coordination and the derogation demand to the City of Montreal made it possible to design the drawings and specifications requested to the project to move on to the public bid tender. A tight coordination have been performed with the plumbers of the building to status the risks of the water shut downs and elaborate the mitigation plan to not affected the health cares giving to the patients. A good planification was absolute necessary, because a big part of the shut downs was performed during the night, a period of time when the ressources are limited.
Project particularities :
- Math of the drinkable water consumption of each pavilion of the Hospital
- Planification of the works parameters to do realize with the City of Montreal
- Respect of the standards and regulations of the City of Montreal concerning the drinkable water entries.
- Coordination of the different stakesholders’s project to realize the water shut downs requested to complete the modification on the water entries.
- Majors works executed in a Health Care Building.